Trump supports Italy on immigration

26 Oct 2018 09:36 AM

U.S. President Donald Trump supported immigration policy in Italy, providing support to the coalition government, which faced a difficult week because of the budget.

Trump said on Twitter he had spoken to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte about taking a very tough stance on illegal immigration and that he is agree with their stance 100%.

Trump's comments come two days after the European Commission rejected the budget submitted by the coalition government in Italy, but they ignored it and still in the implementation of their plans. The European authorities and investors still see this will add to the debt burden of Italy.

Giovanni Tria, Italy's economy minister defended the government's fiscal plans and said it was right that governments questioned the current framework and that Italy's position did not mean in any way that it wanted to leave the euro. "We must invest to achieve further growth and we must face economic and social challenges," he said.


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